Overcoming Early Childhood PBL Misconceptions
Our book Implementing Project Based Learning in Early Childhood is about overcoming some of the common misconceptions about PBL, young children, and the intersection between the two. Our book was born out of beliefs and assumptions that we heard over and over again in PBL workshops all over the country about why young children can’t do project based learning.
Statements like...
- “My kids are too needy and can’t get along.”
- “I have to keep control of my classroom so that learning can happen. Giving students so much choice feels too chaotic.”
- “My students can’t read and write yet. How can they do projects?”
We believe all children can engage in PBL when teachers…
- recognize and honor the characteristics that make young children unique,
- create the conditions for sustaining the inquiry, and
- give children a role in the learning process
As you move through this workshop, we ask that you have an open mind, seek to understand, and visualize how PBL can work for your group of students in your place and in your time. Our goal is to make PBL feel attainable by walking you through one approach to outlining a PBL unit for young children.